Friday 4 December 2015

Shop Front - week 3 (Final week)

   For the final week of this project I spent most of the time texturing and tweaking little bits, such as the roughness on assets, and altering little bits of geometry. I also made a day time and night time scene as that was one of the stretch goals on the brief. The final renders are as follows.
Day time scene.
Night time scene.
   This project I feel started off well but hit a bit of a bump when it came to texturing. My textures turned out ok, but I need more variation in roughness to separate them a bit more. The lighting could do with a bit more work too, to showcase the building a little better. 

   Mike gave me some critique on my shop at the end of the week too. He suggested that I should make the lighting more apparent from the street lamp and possibly exaggerate it a bit too. Work more into the post processing, with focus on things such as lighting colour and shadow colour. try and make them complement each other. I also should vertex paint the floor, which I planned to do but didn't get round to it. I need to differentiate the roughness a lot as well as a lot of it looks the same. Edge lighting on the textures, like what blizzard does with there's. As for the geometry I should get rid of some of the harsh edges, even if it means getting rid of some of the assets in the scene. I intend to work more into this project based on Mikes feedback to enhance my grade.
   Del Walker came in to give us some crit as well. He suggested looking more at the original idea and ref I had. Thinking more as if I have never seen any of it before. Looking at the way the door sits in relation to the window, how the trim is laid out. Look at the most interesting features and what I want to keep and include in my design and try to keep those in. That applies to all projects I've done and will do in the future. A really useful piece of information. 
   With the critique I've been given I feel like I can really boost the project overall and my grade. I do intend to continue with the project In the last week, to really push my knowledge and understanding of the elements I've been crit on and need to work on. Hopefully I can make it better than it currently sits.

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