Wednesday 16 December 2015

Apocalyptic weapon, final final hand in and crit.

   When I felt I had finished this project at the end of the three weeks I received some critique from Craig, which I mentioned in a previous post Apocalyptic weapon feedback. The changes were nothing major, just small things I'd forgot to add, or small details that would make my gun attain a higher level of realism, within the texturing phase mainly. I took his feedback on board but didn't get round to working into all of it, mainly because I felt this project was the strongest of the three. Which meant I should spend more of my time on the ones which lacked more, achieving me a better grade overall rather than on just this one project.
   I worked on most of what Craig said, but left some of the longer processes out. I decided that the changes wouldn't take long to do, so I set aside 3 hours in the morning to work on them. The only things I didn't get round to improving were the bandage/more defined grip on the front handle, and the feeder which was a suggestion from someone else. For both of these I decided that the time would be better spent elsewhere, mainly because of how long they would take to implement. So I just stuck to the basic crit and moved on.

Before crit 1
Before crit 2.
After crit 1.
After crit 2.

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