Thursday 17 December 2015

The Shop front final final hand in and crit.

   The shop front was the final project of the three, and what came with it was the experience of the previous 2 projects. Even thought his was the case, I still had some changes to make before the project could be handed in to a standard I was happy with.
   The main point I had to address was the roughness on my textures. I previously didn't spend enough time on separating out some of the materials on each object, and some of the object appeared that little bit too shiny for the material they were supposed to be. Along with this I had to work on some of the diffuse textures also, the majority of the polish time I had for this project was spent on those. But before I could work on that I had a bit of chamfering to do. As this was a stylized project I felt not chamfering edges wasn't really an issue, but its one of the reasons my textures didn't look quite right. Because I didn't have the necessary tri's to chamfer a lot of edges, I removed some of the lesser assets, which didn't bring much to the table, and used their geometry to smooth out other sections of the mesh. Overall this boosted the look of my model, so an improvement straight off the bat. 
   Not only did I remove some of the lesser assets to free up tri's, I also instanced sections of the mesh. originally the plan was to place my model in marmoset viewer on Sketchfab and Artstation, but I soon realised this wasn't possible if I wanted to vertex paint the floor. So I decided ue4 would be the best place for it, so I could now instance parts, thus freeing up tris from my limit and allowing chamfering, simple. Because I also removed lesser assets, I had gaps in my UV's. This space I used to separate some of the overlapping instances to create some variation on them. 
I didnt quite use all of the texture space I was given wither, becuas eof this I decided to look back at my original concepts and add something else. The digital concepts I painted included ivy which broke up the monotonous brick wall texture and added a brighter element. So thats exactly what I added. The ivy was instanced and created with 2 small meshses, it required a very small tri count and texture budget, but it added so much in terms of the colour pallet and composition.
   Finally I went into some of the other post processing features and altered the shadow colour, sky colour etc. These little things made a big difference to the final renders and boosted the overlaying look from the original. 
   All the changes I made to my project boosted the quality of it and I really feel like I'm making some good progress for my FMP. Looking at it now I can still see some sections I could work into more, such as the night scenes sky box and time set, but overall I am very happy with how it all turned out.
Previous day scene.
Previous night scene.
Final Day.
Final Night.

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