Friday 10 April 2015

Final week of Easter - Week 28 I believe

   Easters nearly over and I feel like I've lost a lot of motivation to do anything game art related recently. Spending time with Logan over the holiday has been so much fun, and has made me not want to return to doing work  for 90% of my time. Especially when its work I wasn't too keen on in the first place. Honestly I'm not sure if this is what I want to do anymore, and I only say that to get it out there, if I kept it bottled up I would inevitably feel much worse about it all. Its most certainly not my feelings long term but its nice to let it out to someone, even though I have no idea who's reading this, or if anyone actually will.
   Ive worked more on my character project but its still nowhere near finished. I keep iterating on the max file rather than concepting, I know where I want to go with it but painting it out seems pointless. The whole point of concepting is to generate fast ideas until you come up with one your happy with, but if its fast in max then surely i should do it in there? I don't know, It works and its getting me through without any problems so its all good. Plus I really needed to see what the legs looked like straight on a 3d model rather than a concept.
   As for the presentation, Its going to be on zombie games, this came to mind the other week  while I was playing H1Z1, the zombie survival game, compared often with DayZ. It made me think about how there are so many zombie games out there. After a bit of research I did find out some of the possible reasons of many. I'll not spoil it for anyone yet, ill wait until I've done the presentation to post those. Found some pretty interesting stuff, you might even want to swing by to find out yourself. Or not I'm already super nervous, I kind of don't want a room full of people. On second thought, stay away.

   I almost slipped up on the extended reflection too. For some reason I had it in my head I could do it on what I wanted. Good job I checked the brief before starting to right anything. Must ahve ghot it confused with the presentation. It was going to be on what games teach us. Subconsciously mainly, but I would have probably touched on games that are designed to teach us. I might even do a long blog post about it in the near future. It all depends on how swamped I get in the next few weeks.

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