Sunday 15 March 2015

Week 24 - UV's and lightmaps

   Well as you've already read the title, you can probably guess what this post is about. Well done, its about UV's and light maps, have a gold star.
   This weeks post is going to be pretty short and to the point really, as Its consisted of the same thing over and over. UV's, a pretty boring subject really, but its all my week's consisted of unfortunately. The plan for this week was to finish unwrapping, then move onto texturing. But alas, it was not meant to be, I did finish my unwrapping, but then I realized id forgot to make my light maps. No biggie, only a 1 day job, then collisions came to mind, ahh no worries, another short job to deal with. Then it was time for testing in engine. So before I knew it the week was up.

Overlapping UV's when there wasn't any!!!!

   Its been a busy week and I guess I've got a lot done, its just been a tedious one. But I have spent a while tweaking and exploring UE4, so I've learnt a few things I would have otherwise missed. Occurring errors when you see no reason for them at the time can be annoying and stressful, but on reflection, its really handy to know as much as possible when working in UE4, its gonna improve my workflow and improve my work overall.

   Everything I have made this week was broken in some kind of way, the UV itself was a little wonky in places, so a quick fix again, the light maps wouldn't work in UE4, as you can see above. Which took slightly longer and a few Google searches but thats also fixed, and finally the custom collisions don't work at all, and I have no idea why! Maybe someone at uni can shed some light on the situation next week.

   But until then, they remain broken. Texturing follows next week.

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