Friday 27 March 2015

No internet!

   Well as you can see this post is a bit later than I usually post, and that is because I've had no internet for a few days, oh the horror. Fortunately I wrote this post Sunday with the intention of posting it today (whenever my ISP gave it me back).

   Its been a tough week to be honest, work in the day, some more work when I get home and then the rest of the evening packing ready for me to move house, Its been a bit of a rush job, both work and moving. Texturing has consisted of me blocking out a basic texture quickly and fiddling with it until it meets my satisfaction, some of the assets looked really good I felt, and others, well not so much. Its kind of annoying because I know ill have 3 weeks to do work as its the easter holidays, but I'm guessing the majority of next week will consist of nothing but sorting the house out. Time management isn't the issue, its just something I'll have to wait and see where it goes.
Door textures with my own photo ref, and a chimney.
A tiling texture I'm particularly proud of.

   On an alternate note I found the wonder of CG Textures. To me I always thought of it as kind of cheating, but as I've recently found out, companies in the industry use it all the time. So I guess if its good enough for them its good enough for me. To bad about the 15 mb limit though.

And finally, this week we had our second year review. did really well on the blog side of things and a lot better than I thought on my character, but I'm really disappointed in my performance on the group container city project. I guess the lesson here is, don't change your idea dramatically. The plan is to rdo my character and just graft really really hard, to try and get the 1st I want.

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