Friday 27 February 2015

Week 22 - 4 weeks in.

   Its been a pretty slow week, if I'm being completely honest, I don't know what it was but when I look back at the work I've done, its nothing special. Yeah I've made a few modular buildings and stuck them In engine but to look at it you assume its just a few days work. Granted I have spent plenty of time tinkering and fixing mistakes I'd made, but next week The workload needs to pick up. 

New idea white box layout
   We also changed our idea again, but I'm pretty sure its not going to change again. I know I know, I said that last time, but this time I'm sure its not. Anyway, with this new layout we've decided to simplify my modular buildings, because with all the small parts, it'd become to complicated and cause a lot of engine work. So now I'm going to model a base for each of the buildings, and plug different things into each of the bases, giving variety to them. The parts which will be plugged in, include windows, doors, roof windows, chimneys etc. 

   I tried to stick to the architecture style of the time by following the reference given to us by the British library. To help me visualize and for quick reference I drew out some of the ideas and styles I wanted to go with. Nothing fancy, just something to help me think.

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