Saturday 21 February 2015

Week 21 - Modularity

   Modularity is an amazing way to make up a building or populate a level with minimal meshes, textures and effort. This week for me has been all about just that. The houses I'm making are going to populate a decent section of the level, and if they all look the same, the level will look bland and boring. So most of my week has been working out how to execute a good modular building and modeling it. I'll be making 3 houses, each of which may have the same or similar parts but ultimately I'm looking at making them all different.

   To make sure it all fit together with ease in engine, I also needed to ensure the pivot points were in a good location on the mesh. Otherwise I'd spend ages tweaking each mesh and would waste a lot of time. I backed this up by constantly importing all the meshes into UE4 to ensure I did this. When I had the pivot points set up, it was just a case of duplicating assets and playing about with the layout.

   That section was made using about 17 meshes, some of which not much bigger than your head. Which may seem a lot, but when it comes to making the next two houses i'll be able to use most if not all of these again. With much more variation, as at the minute, the house does seem a little bland. 
  Its been a good week and I think we've made a lot of progress, next week will hopefully be the same.

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