Saturday 14 February 2015

Week 20 - Primary research

   Oxford, what a lovely place, everyone rides bikes everywhere, the architectures old and grand, and everything seems so relaxed. My kind of place. So yeah, we walked all around Oxford searching for buildings we could use as reference, and we found a few, but the main source of our research came from the christ church vicinity. We did however have to contact the treasury to see if we are allowed to use the pictures, so hopefully they'll get back to us soon with an answer. 
Inside the Christ church courtyard.

   Even more amazing than the general oxford feel, was the Pit Rivers museum. Literally too many things to photograph in one day. It had everything from guns and melee weapons to shrunken heads and boats. Too bad the lighting inside was dim, which meant I had to either have dark pictures or ones with a white flash mark in them. Guess its just there to preserve the objects inside. 
Bottom floor of the Pit rivers.
   From the picture you don't see the sheer volume of items within, but you can see the abundance of light we had to deal with. It was almost too crowded within. I much prefer the third floor with its more manageable amount of stuff, but that could also be because that's where the weapons and armour were too.

We've slightly changed our basic idea too, it's still going to be like The Stanley parable and Dear Esther, and interactive experience rather than a game. But our main mechanic is now going to be like PT (playable trailer) did with their game/trailer. You keep playing through the same section multiple time, but each time you do it changes. We havn't got everything worked out to a "T" yet, But I think this is more than likely what were sticking with. I don't know how this is going to go in terms of the competition, it all depends on the judges really, but I think we've got a good shot.

Finally for this week, Were looking to get a cross section in UE4 soon, to see how everything merges together. I'm starting with the modular houses, but as of right now I only have a few test boxes started, so nothing to show really ,in terms of modeling right now. So here's a mood board.

Mood board of Edwardian houses for reference. 

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