Sunday 8 February 2015

Week 19 - Off The Map initial week

   Well to kick off the week we had a presentation on our previous project, the container city. Which I regret to inform you I did not attend, yup you guessed it I was ill again, my relaxing weekend (which was also my birthday weekend) was not a pleasant one. Oh the perks of having a son, they catch everything haha. Fortunately I did recover for the start of the project on Tuesday. 
   A lot of people were, lets just say miffed, to find out they were in a group with people they didn't know, or didn't like, or because they just wanted to work alone. But personally I think its great practice for our future career in the industry. When we don't necessarily get to pick who we work with either. Half of my team for this project I don't think I'd really talked to before, so this was a good opportunity to get some practice in, and I'm feeling good about it. The teams looking good and I'm full of energy, LETS DO THIS! 

Initial ideas.
   The first two things we sorted out was who was doing what, and what we had in mind for the project. Originally the plan was to all make side scrollers, but it turns out no one liked that idea, so the brief was changed and is open to 3d as well now. As none of our group were set on a side scroller we thought the best bet was to go for an open 3d environment. This was fine with me as It shows off my capabilities better as an environment artist. And along with doing some of the environment for this project, im also sharing the engine work with Jonah. So basically I intend to learn a lot form this project, great stuff.

   So far our idea is to make more of an interactive experience, rather than a game, based on the inspirations of Lewis Carroll, and that's all i'm going to say for now, no spoilers. Our idea still isn't set in stone, but i'd say we have a solid start.
   Me and Andy have been working on a layout of the level and working through iterations to figure out what path would work best. Andy drew out the ideas and I put the basic shape in UE4 to see if it worked well.

   We were also talking about taking a trip to Oxford next week to get some reference first hand, rather than using secondary research we find somewhere else. Not sure how were getting there yet, but we'll find a way!

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