Friday 30 January 2015

Week 18 - Time to relax

This week saw a lot of late nights and hard work to reach our end goal for this project, but its finally finished. We had an idea in mind for this project from the start but shortly into the project we decided to restart. A gamble I know, but I think its payed off. The level could do with another once over to polish out the kinks, but I guess its too late for that.
Tunnel before our level opens up. 
   From what I've seen of other groups work, they have used post production methods to add additional elements of realism to the level, which add to the feel of their levels. Something I didn't even know you could do until the other day. More engine work I guess. The more I hear about UE4 and what you can achieve, the more I want to get stuck in. Hopefully the next project on tuesday
will bring me joy. But before that, we still have to present our final work on monday to the tutors, wish us luck.
Fair ground sign.
Fair ground sign with omissives. 
   Tuesdays project is going to be the "Off The Map" project, a yearly competition open to students. I believe the brief is something to do with Alice in wonderland, but more on that next week.

  This week also brought back 2 of DMU's previous students who have thrived in the working world. Ben Keeling, an environment artist, and Del Walker, a character artist. Both gave a brief presentation on their time at DMU and their do's and do not's when working. It was massively helpful. But what was even more helpful was the Q and A session afterwards. Getting to talk to and interact with artists my age who have not long been in the working world, gave a huge insight into what I should be aiming for, and doing to maximize my chances at succeeding.
   I plan to start adding my university work into a portfolio soon, along with some personal projects I have in mind. All my portfolio work will be based around environments and vehicles. But anyway, time for my relaxing weekend before another heavy workload in the near future.

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