Sunday 25 January 2015

Week 17 - Cracking on

   After last weeks slight bump in the road, we regrouped and worked through ideas until we finally decided on a moon fair ground. The level consists of you starting at the entrance and working your way through the fair ground, through all kinds of rides and amusements to the end where you get on a space ship, via a lift, and shoot off into space. We had all kinds of amusements in mind, most of which we tried to reuse assets we had already built for our previous idea. Things such as cryo tubes, with the tag line "Humans for sale", Medical and herbal stall, with the hydroponics assets. And also we thought of placing the power core in the center of the fair ground as either a power source or a statue of some kind.

Although we've restarted I feel like were already bouncing back nicely, we have the level planned out and now were working on the assets and textures to replace our white box. We've split up the assets and were storming through. The level is set up as a block out and were adding each asset as and when its done. Before, we had a lack of containers, so this time were adding them anywhere and everywhere that works, The walkways, lifts and stalls are all made of containers.

Arial view of our level.
   I was hoping to learn more about Unreal engine 4 from this project, but I'm not the team member doing the engine work, because of this I'm kind of limited to doing it in my own time. Maybe for the next one I'll be the engine guy. Despite this I'm still trying to work some in, as little as it may be. I wanted the target shooting stall to have moving targets that fall down when shot, so that's my secondary focus a side from the modeling and texturing of assets. So far I know how to make them move, but have no idea how they can be shot down and pop back up after a certain period of time.

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