Sunday 18 January 2015

Week 16 - A bad week.

   Yet another illness. Getting a bit fed up of being fed up all the time. I still haven't recovered fully from my last encounter with whatever it was I had, but yet again Illness is knocking on my door again, Ahh well, best push on. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were pretty much spent in bed, and then I made it back in on Wednesday for that interesting presentation on SkySaga. A lot of useful and interesting things talked about and a lot learnt. Oh and FREE FRIDGE MAGNETS!! Yes! But seriously it was good to hear about the process they went through and the struggles they put up with, It gives a real insight into the workings of a how a game comes to be.

More work went into the corridors to ensure they were modular enough and could be shown as such.
Showing how modular my corridoor way.
   Thursdays presentation came up fast. I remember thinking last week that I would rather have had it earlier, just in case some groups had to redo large sections or start again. But I was confident we were on the right lines given other tutors had seen our work and thought it was good. So we went in with high spirits. All was good. That is until we'd finished the presentation and yet again it was all wrong. "The brief is Container city, so wheres the containers" was our main feedback. A fair point, I had initially thought this at the beginning or our idea. But as I'd been told before from a different tutor and thought the same, "It's open to interpretation" But no, apparently it isn't. 
   Time for change, a lot of change and I guess a lot of late nights and hard graft. Realistic sure is looking good right a bout now. But no, we don't have to start again, we can reuse most of our assets and we can make this work. It's all about bouncing back and overcoming obstacles no matter how big. So that's what were gonna do. Motivational talk to myself over. Lets crack on. 

   Most of the team weren't to disheartened by the change. I was, but I'm back on track after my little sob in a corner, and I'm rearing to go. I made a little block out of what we could do. Its no longer a space station/ship, its on the ground but it can still have most of our previous rooms/assets within it.

   Its nothing fancy, and I did mock it up in about 20 minutes, but its got containers and its a level. The idea is that you start at the bottom right and work your way through these "space containers", overcoming obstacles, and opening a door or two until you come to your little base to get an oxygen supply. you find nothing on the surface in your supply hold, so you go underground to your hydroponics lab to get some. Well something like that anyway. Its a work in progress, but we'll get there.

   I'm also trying to work more on personal things too, I want to get more into painting, like I did for a while over summer, the virtual plein air group on facebook was great for that. And I also want to make some portfolio pieces too. The first one I have in mind is possibly going to be a vehicle.

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