Sunday 14 December 2014

Character Dichotomy - Postmortem.

   This postmortem of my character project is just a quick overview of the project, what went well/not so well, what I liked about the project and finally what I could have done to improve. First off I want to say that characters are not my thing. I haven't really figured out what my thing is yet, but its definitely NOT characters. 
   I did struggle a lot throughout this project, I'm not going to hide that. Initially I struggled to come up with a decent idea for the dichotomous pair, and I kind of got there in the end, but I feel that my idea could have been better. I will say this though, he sure does come across as creepy, like I intended.

   Its safe to say I'm not 100% happy with how he turned out, the idea I had wasn't necessarily a bad one, but the character I chose to model could have been portrayed and designed differently. The last project we did, the sentry gun, I felt the exact same way. Yet when we had a small peer review, the others thought my idea was solid. So I'm not sure if I'm being too picky again or if this is a good final piece. Personally I still think he's a bit rubbish and that I could have done better. 

   I think my design process and the way I came across the final design worked well, silhouetting and the iterations after that allowed me to generate ideas quickly, but coming up with my initial idea was tough. I was shot down with two ideas before I was allowed to continue with this one. I can see now why I wasn't allowed to continue with them, but it still left me a week behind everyone else. I think yet again I over thought it. At the start of every project I keep feeling like if I don't come up with something original and brilliant that I wont get a good grade at the end of my time a university. But in reality I've realized I'm kind of shooting myself in the foot by doing that, as it sidetracks me from the brief and causes me to fall behind. So from now on I'm going to concentrate more on the brief and outcome and less on the need for something original. 
   The thing I liked about the project the most was the freedom and openness of the brief, but I guess that was my downfall in the end. When I have too many options I find it hard to focus on one thing and end up lost, so to speak. But it is nice to have the freedom to do what you want.
   If I was to do the project again I'd have chosen a different idea all together, I'm not sure what, and again I guess that's the problem. Going on something simple like I mentioned earlier instead of thinking too much into it, maybe two monsters, robots, or circus people might have been a good one, or what about prisoners? Nothing fancy, but I can already envision coming up with a better idea than the one that I did.
   I guess the important thing is how much I've learnt from this project, and I'm glad about that, because working from my mistakes will make my future project that little bit better. So without further adieu, and even though you've already seen my frog from my last post here he is again.

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