Friday 12 December 2014

Character Dichotomy - Week 4

With only a few days to go until the hand in date for this project I had to put my foot down, as the expression goes. All that was left to do was to Texture my character and put him in engine. But it was still a lot, even though I'd already started texturing.
   Before I started with my albedo map I had to decide on a colour from one of my many colour pallets. It was a hard call, but in the end I felt he looked right as a typical green frog, but to mix it up a little I gave him some darker green spots with bright outlines, but only down one side of his body. As a bounty hunter I decided he wouldn't look right with brightly coloured skin. Yes he would be intimidating, especially as that would insinuate hes highly poisonous. But it eliminated other things from his agenda, such as his ability to sneak around unnoticed. If I was to make the second character I could give him similar colours to poison dart frog. Typically its the smaller frogs who have bright colours to ward off predators, so it could be interesting to see a large frog with them.
  As with all projects now, we use PBR (Physical based rendering). Which consists of an albedo, metalness, roughness and of course a normal map, starting with a height map.

Normal/roughness/metalness and albedo maps.
   This project has been an interesting one to say the least. My first two ideas got shot down, leaving me rushing and panicking around. At the time I felt annoyed and a little disheartened. But looking back now i see why they were dismissed, and its made me understand more in terms of a brief and characters overall. So without further adieu, here's my character in unreal engine 4.

   I'm happy with how the textures turned out, but I still feel I could have done much better in terms of the face.

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