Tuesday, 23 February 2016

FMP Week 6

After last weeks end to the week of using Marvelous Designer, I felt I had a strong grasp of the basic workflow and enough to continue onto creating more assets for the market. I spent the majority of Monday creating draped cloth over bars, market stalls, banners and other generic awning style canopies for over the marketed areas. These added elements, really break up some of the straight lines and make it a more interesting place to explore.
Market with added Marvelous work.
   A lot of the rest of the week was finishing up most of the assets I still have left to model. The market area is looking so much more populated and interesting. The roof lining isn't as flat and the bar especially is looking "lived in". But even though its coming together and I don't have much left to do, the market stalls still need populating with boxes and objects, the butchers needs some meat and the gun shop needs, well, guns. I have a week left for modelling and unwrapping, and although I am currently on schedule I feel I might not be on track for long. Fortunately for me I have a week later in the project for "engine population" which I have already been doing throughout the project. So I have an extra week later down the line. Here's a couple of screenshots of where I'm at now with population.

The fountain in the middle of the level is inspired by soviet brutalism statues. Following on from the vague theme of Russian constructivism architecture. I originally had a round fountain, but it didn't quite fit with the bold harsh geometry of everything around it, so I changed it to a more fitting shape. The statue I created in max, edited and shaped a little in zbrush, then retopologized in 3d coat, back to max for tweaking and then added to the unreal file. I need to do this more as I'm not fully confident in the process yet.
I spent a good part of friday working on this statue to find out that the forms I had change dit to looked to soft. I needed more of a harsher edge. So I went back into zbrush and reiterated. Im now pleased with the results, and think its a great centre piece to the market.
Market fountain centre piece.

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