Tuesday 17 November 2015

Apocalyptic weapon feedback.

   At the end of the project I didn't receive any feedback as the tutors weren't in on that day. But on Monday I asked for some to improve my project further than it currently stands. This project was so fun I cant wait to get back and work on it some more. Craig had a a number of small things for me to work on, but overall he said it was a strong piece of work. He set my rough grade to a round about a high 2.1. Which was amazing to hear having put so much effort and enjoyment into this project.

   First thing he noticed after a short time looking was the connection between the wooden stock and the metal shotgun body. I was almost like the body should have gone over the stock, which makes sense. So I need to push the stock in a little where it meets.

   Next, he said the duct tape looked really good (probably because I used Zbrush to do it) but It would look better if the edges faded off a little, and looked a bit more worn.

   The vent holes should show some sort of remanence to a fan inside. After all they are holes in the body of the saw for the fan. So I should add an outline or something showing whats inside.

   Around the section of the saw body where the wires enter it should have some sort of connection, either a hole/crash in the body or a kind of connector. I should also do this to the other end of the wires too.

   A simple one I overlooked was a bolt head on the saw. Easy fix.

   This one is a problem I knew about but wasn't sure why it happened. It looks like the normal has been flipped on the sticker. But I'm 95% sure it hasn't. So I should look more into correcting that error.

   This one is a bit nit picky (As Craig put it, not me) But I might want to add some wear around where the brackets attach to the gun. There might be wear there, from when they were attached etc. but its not necessary, as they're fixed. So there might also be nothing there.

   A simple one. More wear and tear on the underside and back of the stock.

   Maybe add a bandage or something on the front handle for better grip.

   A good point he made was that one side had stickers, and more colour on it than the other. This side should have a few stickers, and possibly some "Kill scratches or pen marks". Making it look more like a game asset. This is a great point because usually weapons in less serious games, such as dead rising and Bioshock, have quirky bits like that on them.

   These little things wont take long to do, and will really add that extra step to them, possibly pushing my rough grade to a 1st. Or at least I hope so.

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