Friday 3 July 2015

Summer time fun...well....Summer time work

   Summer for me started off a few months ago with my "To Do" list. Yep, no plans for a wondrous holiday in a tropical climate, or skydiving over the country side. My plans involved me, at my desk for the foreseeable future. Not my idea of a perfect summer i'll have to admit, but work has to be done, and I've got things to learn.
   I had a few portfolio projects in mind. One of which is currently coming along nicely. But progress has been slow and a little unorganized. This became more apparent recently, and my second year grade also made me realize a few other things I need to work on. I got a 2.2, if the equation that's going round is correct. Not a grade I'm too happy with if I'm honest. But I guess I have no one to blame but myself.
   As my workflow is currently a bit shabby, I devised a weekly routine to follow. Which I've only been following it a few days, and Its already working in my favor. It mostly consists of variety in my work rather than just saying "Oh, today I'll do some modeling". Each day varies from the last with different types of life drawing and games production. Another thing that I really need to work on, according to my grade, is blog writing. Hence the sudden activity on my page. Each week I'm going to write two posts. One on a Tuesday and the other on a Friday. Hopefully its just what I need to improve my grade next year. So anyone reading this who has any useful tips, feel free to comment. Thanks.

Colt 1861 Navy High poly.
   This is the project I have been working on for a while. I wanted to Create a gun with multiple materials on, rather than something more modern that just has one boring plain material. This Colt seemed ideal. So far its going great. Making something that we haven't done at Uni before, has really expanded my knowledge of Max. Not only that, but I recently bought the Quixel suite plug-in for Photoshop that I keep hearing about. It appears so far to be a really useful piece of software. But like anything else I still have a lot to learn.
Adapting to Quixel.
   With being a constant shut in for the past few weeks I've tried to get out a bit more, because as you can imagine it not the most healthy lifestyle standing at a desk all day. So recently I pulled out the old push iron and went for a ride. Locally we have a large park with a lake in the center. An ideal place for a spot of outside life drawing in the sun. It feels good to be out in the real world drawing again. That's one thing that second year really lacked, and I hope they'll bring it back to third year. Although I highly doubt it. Most of the park consists of vegetation and obviously the giant lake, but scattered around are a few building. There's a few houses accommodated for the land owners I believe, a few derelict buildings and a church near the lake which I'm pretty fond of.

When I'm out I prefer the use of fine liners as they fit nicely in my Camelbak along with my sketch book. Keeping on the use of fine liners I also used them for some life drawing earlier this week. Each day I'm planning on doing at least an hour of life drawing, not only that, each day I'll use a different means of drawing. Pen, pencil, charcoal etc. So far I've only used fine liners and water colours.

   I must be out of practice as it took longer to produce these than I usually do, and I cant help but feel they're not at the same standard. After a few days I think I'll see better results and have a better understanding of a range of materials. The problem I had this year is I stuck too close to my comfort zone, hence the range I plan to work at now.

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