Friday 10 July 2015

Out and about.

   As its only been a few days since the last post, because I forgot to post on Tuesday, oops. This post Isn't going to contain much in the way of fancy drawings. But I'm doing this more for the practice so I'll continue.
   Over the past few days I've taken to doing more game production work. Mainly but not exclusive to my tree house scene. Mostly working on the shack that will be suspended in the tree, but also working on the tree itself. My first approach for the shack has been to make a plank and repeat it to give a better sense of variety over a tiled plank texture. I was worried it might be too high poly, and now I have the basic square. I think I'm right, as it stands at 7500 tris. A hefty amount for one of the most basic shapes out there.

   This isn't the final by any means. I'm going to try out other methods of implicating a convincing plank texture before deciding what works the best. I could knock off a few of the chamfers, but in the end I don't think that would help that much to be honest. Ill keep you updated on what I do next.

   Thursday, my usual biking and outdoor sketch day came around again, but this time I didn't do much sketching. I kind of got side tracked with just enjoying the wonders of the outside world, Its amazing how big it is! I did however get Lots of good tree reference. So much that I filled the remainder of my phones sd card. and also took a few leaves for home reference.
   The one picture I did draw was the one below. It took about 15 minutes I think (I have no idea really) And its of the same church from my first sketches, at a different perspective. That whole area is quickly becoming my go to area in Clumber (The national trust park) for drawing.

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