Saturday, 5 March 2016

FMP Week 8 - Frame rate, fountain and final hand in (Search for a star)

   To kick off the week I had the hand in for the search for a star competition, so for the majority of Monday I worked on that to get some finishing touches done. The brief was to create a minimum of 5 assets based on a variety of concepts they gave us. The concepts I chose to work from were ones based on "Stone and Metal"
The brief specified you could make whatever type of assets you wanted, weather it be, modular, hero pieces or smaller assets. I wanted to go down the route of modular, with a hero asset thrown in for good measure.

   My assets consisted of a hero asset being the door, a wall section, a reversible pillar, wall decoration and a wall walkway. I used substance painter to texture them, with one section originally consisting of a material I made in designer. But towards the end I decided it looked better with a mix of other materials, so i swapped it out.
The Deadline was Monday at 4pm, which I made, but I feel I should have started working on the project earlier, or set more time aside at the end of the day to work on it. I felt my time was more suited to be spent on FMP as that's what's going to count more in the long run. Lets hope I hear back with an interview for round three.

   The rest of the week was obviously FMP. I had the engine file for the week, so I added all the changes I made last week into the final version. The movement (turbines and streamers) and the updated light maps and collisions. Along with some smaller changes to certain meshes.
The Search for a Star competition made me realise that some of my smaller FMP assets looked a bit boring so I went back to modelling a few more interesting features to them. Mainly on the crates and barrel, along with a few other small assets.

   The majority of the remaining days consisted of working into the statue/fountain. The hero piece of the environment. I didn't feel it held up as a centre piece. Zbrush came in handy for adding interesting cracks and more concrete like forms. I previously took it into zbrush but did a quick version, when I should have spent a lot more time on it.
Sculpt of the statue
Finished bake
I originally intended to take this asset fully through the asset creation process, including texturing. But I decided to spend the rest of the week working on my UV packing, as that takes priority currently. I'm falling a little behind on my plan,because of the competition. But that's why I set aside 2 weeks at the end as a buffer. I also have a week set aside for placing assets in the engine file. Which I've been doing as I'm going, so that's another week free too. So although on my plan in technically behind. I'm actually still on track.
   The engine file hasn't changed much in terms of content, but I have updated light maps and altered the skybox etc. so here it is.

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