Sunday, 30 November 2014

Character Dichotomy - Week 2

   The idea of two characters that are natural enemies appealed to me for some reason, It's dichotomy in itself. After the mood boards of last week, I started jotting down some shapes of my own to represent the frog first of all. I wanted a mix of fat, thin, short and tall, so I could then mix them up with the insect silhouettes and make some interesting pairs.
Frog initial silhouettes.
   To go long with design of the frog I need a colour pallet to help me decide what color my frog would be, it also helped me think about his mood and persona a little bit. I'm still not 100% sure on what colour he will be, but I'll refer back to this later on in the project.
Frog/toad colour pallets.
   Shortly after the initial silhouettes I refined them slightly to smooth them out and add small details, I also cut one out I decided I didn't like enough to continue with. 
Slight refinement.
Next was futher refinment and adding of grey scale. I just added in whatever came to mind. Personally I like the bottom middle one and the top center right one.
More detailed refinement.
   The same process was done for the insects. Silhouettes, colour pallets and then some small refinements.
Insect initial silhouettes.
Insect colour pallets.
Slight refinement.
The further refinement of the insect isn't done yet and will get worked on further down the line. Im unsure of which one i like enough to develop from. At this point I wanted an idea of what sort of pairs had potential, so I stuck a few silhouettes together to see what looked right.
Pairs of silhouettes.
   I liked the look of the bottom right frog the most as he looks pretty evil with his claw like hands instead of the usual sucker style hands frogs usually have. but I wasn't sure on his partner as they're both thin, yes they have height differences but I'm not sure its enough. Also I quite like the look of the bottom left pair too. I think the reversal of a small frog and a big insect helps, as its not what you usually see.
  As I liked the small clawed frog the most, I decided he was the one I wanted to model. Iterations of him came next to work out his design. This process didn't take too long as we were told not to spend to much time on it.
Frog iterations.
   Everyone had varied opinions about which I should go for, But I liked the top right the most, so that's what I went with. I was told to look into his face a bit more though as the anatomy would look off. I didn't see this as too much of an issue, especially with it being quite stylized as a design but non the less I made some further iterations.
Face iterations.
   The creepiest looking frog by far on that page is the bottom left. The grin makes him look sinister and so does his beady little eyes. With that in mind I made up some quick orthographic's and started modeling. Like I mentioned before, I didn't want to spend too long on the design process. Only a quarter of the process in industry is for designing, as we've been told.
   Going back to the insect, I wanted a fat, possibly butch looking insects who could also be tall. Non of my original silhouettes fit the bill so I went back tot the drawing board to work into a bit more. I looked into large beetles, fat scorpion like insects, large locusts, I tried to make a preying mantis look larger than it is, and even a spider with a long cloak, which is actually his legs. Again non of which worked out very well. I intend to start next week working on the insect to go with my frog, along with more modeling.
   Finally I'd like to end on the note that we have an extra week now for this project. Most of the group had their ideas shot down like me, and have been set back a week. So we've had the project extended.

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