Saturday 21 December 2013

Art within Games: Part 1

-The art within games can be perceived in different ways, The art of telling a story, the art of making a good game, whatever that is, the physical art/concepts design put into the game.
-Art games can just be creative/learning/building games for kids. Memory/Thinking games.
-Can a game be considered artistic? No according this guy.
-Awards for the art in games BAFTA's Artistic achievement.[0]=string_type%3AGames
-Are all "Artsy" games simple, to draw the attention of the player to the art style?
-Do games that "make you think about your life", actually work or do we think of them as pretentious crap?
-What makes an artsy game, is it just the art or does the sound and ability to immerse you in the game have something to do with it?
-Definition of "Art" according to Google. "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
-The art of creating a game, Industry game, or indie game. How hard can it be right?
-Do artsy games have any game play in them? Or are they just basically a film with lots of breaks (Save points) in them, One in particular comes to mind, Metal Gear Solid 4.
-If art is as described above, "producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power" are horror games considered art, because there the one kind of game that really created an emotion within the player, more than any other kind of game, they really put fear into you, well they do with me anyway, could just be me being a big girl.
-The way the games built in terms of 3D modeling and texturing, which i cant help but look at every time i play a game now!!!
-Online polls of artsy games

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